Daring Vulnerability


Brené Brown, giving her TED talk on vulnerability. 

In preparing for and leading a workshop activity for WGU people leaders today, I reflected a great deal on my own issues tied to fear & shame. And I shared some things about my professional trajectory & career that were hard setbacks, failures, rejections, & moments when I let others down. It felt painful to sit with the emotions tied to those events & experiences. Sure, it’s easier to discuss when I intellectualize and dissect those things without feeling, removed up into my head. But that’s not leaning into vulnerability.

Brené Brown’s work has challenged me to be a daring leader, a vulnerable leader. So that meant sharing.


Vulnerability sucks. It does. I hate feeling weak or judged. I fear rejection. Shame is a specter that follows me like a ghost, unless I muster up the courage to face it dead on. Losing people I’ve loved deeply has carved out pieces of my heart that I can’t replace. My father, my brother, dear friendships. But I can’t close off & numb myself from feeling that loss & rejection because you can’t selectively numb one or a few emotions. You numb yourself to all of your emotions. And that’s a worse punishment than feeling the pain.

We need emotion in order to connect to other human beings & feel compassion. Connection is why we as human are here. It’s what gives human life meaning.


Now, athe end of a very long day of two in a row, this introvert feels pretty exhausted. Yet, it’s a great kind of exhaustion in that I felt so rewarded by watching over 50 academic professional leaders reflect on their vulnerability & write about what that meant earlier today. I loved hearing the stories that the bravest ones shared with others in that safe, supportive space. Unexpected voices of courage.

So, I feel blessed to be in this role at this unique institution with a positive culture unlike anything I’ve witnessed before. A place of genuine kindness, compassion, safety, respect, & student obsession. A place where I can share.


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